The guys at work like their candy. God forbid I forget to buy some as soon as we run out. I think they hang around the office longer than needed just so that they can keep walking by my room to grab it. I sit with candy on my desk 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. Not that cheap icky candy either. No fruit stuff for me, no thank you! This is legit and right this minute it's peanut chews. There are days where I don't eat a single bite of candy at work. Honestly, there are times I forget it's even here.
Why then, as soon as I go home and walk into the kitchen for a glass of water, do I end up leaving with a cookie in my hand? Is the cookie box even out in the open? Nope. It's nestled away behind a door. Yet I never forget that behind that white door on the third shelf, there are cookies. Same routine almost every day. Maybe I should start having Tony toss me a bottle of water from the fridge and I will stay a safe distance away in the living room. Maybe I should stop going into the kitchen at all. Or maybe I should just never by cookies. NO. I should learn to have control over the situation. Telling myself that is simple. Acting on it? I'm not so sure.
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